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Hi, I'm Bobby

I provide financial advice to people I care about. 

I create financial plans evaluating a variety of scenarios and manage investments in a disciplined, easy to understand manner. 

I believe everyone should have a financial plan and access to quality advice. Most Canadians don't have a plan and many don't realize what a financial plan involves.

Click the button below to learn more about what a financial plan is and get started on your free financial plan. 

Independent investment management designed to build long-term wealth

Building wealth takes discipline and time. My objective isn't to deliver abnormal investment performance, but to deliver the return required to achieve your goals while taking on the least amount of risk possible.

The easiest way to increase returns is to reduce costs. All else remaining equal, if you reduce costs by 1% your returns will increase by 1%. We've all seen the commercials, reducing costs can have an unexpectedly large impact on your outcomes. 

While managing cost is important my highest priority is preventing losses. To use a sports analogy; offense wins games, defense wins championships.


Our portfolios are broadly diversified across asset classes, geographies, and investment styles. We also invest in alternative investment strategies, real estate, and private credit to further diversify our holdings and reduce risk. 


Let's get to know each other over a cup of coffee

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